frequently asked questions

Got a question? We have an answer.

if you have any questions about how we do things, check out the faq below for some common questions we get about our hunts. if you have any other questions, or would like to book a hunt, give us a call today!

The three most important things to bring are a good pair of hiking boots, a rifle that you are comfortable with, and your patience.  When you’ve booked your hunt and finalized dates, you will receive a gear list tailored to that specific hunt. But, these three things are crucial on any hunt

We recommend calibers .270 or larger. Most of the species we hunt are tough and live in some rough country, so you can never be “over gunned”. All of our camps have some sort of shooting range and we will check your zero before starting the hunt.

If you have hunted the full duration of your hunt and have not had the chance at a good representation of the species, we will gladly have you back whenever both schedules allow. We are not in this business to take peoples money, we want to make sure our hunters go home happy with the biggest and oldest animals we can possibly find.

If you have had an emergency and cannot make it on your hunt, we will work with you on getting a new set of dates rebooked.

Non hunting guests are allowed for $250 per day to cover meals and lodging.

Yes, you can fly in. You can either rent a car and drive into camp or we can arrange to pick you up at the airport for $500 round trip.

Most of our hunts are 3 night/4 days. For example, arrive on a Thursday mid day, hunt Thursday evening, all day Friday and Saturday and Sunday morning, if need be.

We don’t personally offer meat processing, but we work closely with Woodbury meat processing in Ingram TX and we will transport your meat from the hunt to them, if you would like.

We work with Woodbury Taxidermy and Genesis Studios, both offer great work and we can decide which one is best fit for you once your trophy is in the salt.

For a deposit, we require 50% down payment.